Web Wizard
Born and raised in sunny Miami. I found my passion for developing later in life. I got my BA studying Economics at FIU. I tried the climbing of the corporate ladder. I realized quickly that it wasn’t for me at all. I was always into gaming, on my computer, or outside playing sports with friends as a kid. So I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but I knew it was something in the technology scene. I quit my job, and made the career move into development in 2015 when I joined a programming bootcamp.
Since then I’ve been loving what I do. I know I made the right decision for myself when I found myself actually enjoying work. A few years later and now I find myself developing almost everyday. Building large scale applications collaborating with teams. Or just messing around building whatever project I decide to on the side. During my time I was able to learn how to work with both the design and interface, as well as the backend. I love being able to not only dream something up, but actually be able to build it to. I guess you can just say I’m a Happy Coder.